David Marshall Kealy |
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to His service."
1 Timothy 1:12 |
David Marshall Kealy |
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to His service."
1 Timothy 1:12 |
My wife, Sharon, was not surprised at all when I in Liberia, West Africa wrote and told her the most rewarding Thanksgiving day I could recall was 2017. Thanksgiving for the Kealy family ALWAYS includes being with family. It is truly a time to focus on how thankful we are. This year on assignment putting in a new youth oriented radio station in a shipping container in West Africa led each day to challenges. Challenges that present an opportunity to pray. Prayer for God’s help for solutions. After all this is not about us, it is about God. He created everything including me and I am here for his glory just like all of creation. That is why I do what I do. Read Romans 8:28-35. We PRAY, we LISTEN, God LEADS, we FOLLOW and He BLESSES. That is a five word process we have recognized in our ministry years. The next five months of my BLOG will cover these five important words that have become key to our lives and ministry. Reaching People far from God is a ministry with a web portal helping people see how God is at work in the world. The portal seeks gifts to help partner ministries share their faith in culturally relevant ways that we as Americans could never accomplish in a lifetime. Yet, we are able to make an impact by helping others share their faith in God. We do that by keeping our general and administrative costs to just seven percent. Ninety three percent of your designated gifts go to global ministry partners. In closing think about this, when God provides answers to life’s challenges it is a very good idea to be thankful. Isn’t this what Thanksgiving is all about? Being Thankful! Read Psalms 100.
1 Timothy 1:12 is a life verse that led to our creating Reaching People far from God
David M. Kealy |