What does it mean to be a Follower of Christ?
Copyright 2018 Paul E. Kealy
Jesus was the rock-star famous personality on the world scene of His day. Not long after the feeding of 9,000 men on two occasions (double that attendance number for the uncounted women and youth), multitudes followed Him to experience His incredible healing power and to hear Him speak wherever he went.
He was a team builder. The Gospels mention that His words, “Follow Me” were addressed to those He called to serve with Him. Some who wished to travel with Him (such as the healed demon-possessed man in Mark 5:19) were told they would serve better following as a bi-vocational servant remaining in their own community. His closest followers, known as “disciples” or “the twelve,” even began arguing as to who would have priority when this mover and shaker overcame the present world system to rule. So it came as a mystery when he stated that his followers must take up his “cross” to follow him. How would a cross figure into the profile of this Master of humankind? |