David Marshall Kealy |
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to His service."
1 Timothy 1:12 |
David Marshall Kealy |
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to His service."
1 Timothy 1:12 |
Goals and PaceHere it is already approaching mid year 2021. People who know me they know I enjoy walking. I enjoy walking in every country where we have lived. And I enjoy the training and preparation of competing in organized race walking events. Getting fourth place in a half-marathon in my age group was not rewarding at all. Then a few years later getting third place in the next older age group was a bit better. Still not my goal. So getting a devotional from pastor, missionary friend Bud McCord, really resounded for me. You can read his devotionals on this website DAILY LIVING / Abide International. To make it easy for you, here is the GOALS AND PACE devotional. Take it to heart, I will. "Imagine you decide to walk an entire day with another person. They have agreed that you can accompany them as long as you truly want to do what they do and you understand that they have a busy agenda and a determined pace. You accept the conditions and off you go toward their goals and at their pace.
At first it is easy, but as the day progresses you find that you are being continuously invited to leave the person with whom you are walking and satisfy some other need the way you normally would. Eventually you discover that walking with another person who has a very specific agenda and pace in mind means you must continually submit to their goals and pace or walking with them just will not work. This is how Jesus walked with His Father. When Jesus said he always did what pleased His father He was describing what it means to walk in the Spirit. God’s goals were His goals and God’s pace was His pace at all times. We either walk in the Spirit or we walk in the flesh. We either conform to God’s goals and pace in Christ through the Spirit or we conform to the old goals and pace of our flesh. Over time it has become abundantly clear to me when I am in the Spirit and when I am in the flesh. The fruit just does not lie. The goals and the pace of Spirit are clear. The goals and pace of flesh are clear. As the day moves along and the temptation comes back to fulfill your own desires first, just whisper the words “Jesus, I am entirely yours” and walk where the Spirit is leading at Jesus' perfect pace for you. Today we can make the goal and the pace of Jesus our goal and our pace. When we do this the fruit is true Spiritual Life. To be spiritual is to let the Spirit set your goal and your pace to those of Jesus moment by moment. What wonderful goals and what a wonderful pace await all those who walk in the Spirit."
1 Timothy 1:12 is a life verse that led to our creating Reaching People far from God
David M. Kealy |